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4WD. Price US$12500. Contact +263 78 901 2377

Category Tractors
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Priced at USD$3000 negotiable. 0789012377

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The farm size is 300 hectares of which 3 hectares are currently used for cropping and the rest of the hectarage is used for ranching. The water source is a dam which is seasonal. The areas open for joint ventures are (i) broiler and layer chicken producti ...

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For sale, 4 row Monosem planter - $9000 1 row ridger Ford tractor 8340, 4wd, 120hp - $14000 Ford TD80 tractor, 4wd - $14000 Dumper trailers 30 tonnes trailer - with good bulk boards - $12000 John Deere square bailer All are in good condition. C ...

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Mazoe Veterinary College
Mazoe Veterinary College
Chibero College of Agriculture
Chibero College of Agriculture

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Massey Ferguson 290 Tractor
Massey Ferguson 290 Tractor
7 tine Ripper with a Roller
7 tine Ripper with a Roller

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