Directory: Random Listings
I am selling very healthy point of lay Boschveld hens**** We are based in Mashonaland west $25bond/or USD Equivalent *** negotiable call on 0774876974 for inquiries
Aglabs is a laboratory that services the Agriculture sector and industry alike. Provides testing on all stock feeds and poultry feeds, water testing, soil testing, fertilizers, milk and milk product testing and salmonella testing on eggs. Contact +263 772 ...
Broiler chicks available today at Higrow Shamrock Gweru 2 day olds @$0.70c 10day olds@$1.15 23day olds@$1.80 Call / App +263 77 231 0726
Italian Irrigation travellers, Irrigation booms, Irrigation guns and Electric and Diesel pumps on special 0777323850
Quality rape veges for sale in Beatrice. Call or app 0773388991
Gaspardo and Monosem planters, services and repairs Call / App +263 77 710 1464
120 quails for meat ..….. $1.60 each Inbox or app 0775595521 Location: Gutu Mupandawana
Rabbit nipples.$0.90 Contacts: whatsapp or call on 0772 867140 sales 0772 444730. / 0773 598880 493 Goodwin Road, industry opposite. Eaglesvale High School
we have got you in mind all the time!!! ROAD RUNNER FEED COMING SOON Contacts: whatsapp or call on 0772 867140 sales 0772 444730. / 0773 598880 493 Goodwin Road, industry opposite. Eaglesvale High School
15 - 18 months old. Average weight 250Kg Viewing in Headlands on Saturdays between 8am - 12 Noon or by appointment. Call or WhatsApp on 0776867771
coal availabe washed peas.cobbles.nuts.coal round.coke .coal dust .coal rubbles
Agricultural Equipment Sales .Tractors, ploughs, planters, harvesters, harrows, grinding mills and ridgers. Mining Equipment Sales. Hoists, cranes, wire rope, diamond cutting discs... General Engineering. Electrical and mechanical. We are at 21 Conald Roa ...
POTATOES FOR SALE at US12.00 per 15kg. Call 0712237148. Juliasdale, Nyanga
Resurrection tea. Price: $1/100g. Contact Mr Kambeva 0772382210 on behalf of the Young Farmers Innovations Lab
Only $35 000 only. Maize and wheat head in excellent condition. Call or WhatsApp on 0777101464 or 0719102464.