January 31, 2016

Roadrunner Chickens and Waning Disease Resistance

31 January 2016 Philemon Buruzi There is heightened interest in raising indigenous chickens in the country at the moment. As the indigenous birds are fast gaining commercial recognition and widespread consumer appreciation, there has been an upsurge in the number of players joining this very…
June 18, 2014

Broiler Production Viability in Zimbabwe: Production Efficiency Is Key

18 June 2014 By Philemon Buruzi The cost of raising a broiler is rising steadily as a consequence of the prices of inputs which have been on the upward trend in the last few years. In times like these most producers would have considered the easy way out, which is to adjust the selling price of…

Selecting the Best Quality Layers at Point Of Lay

Jun 03, 2014
3 June 2014 Philemon Buruzi As the egg production sector in Zimbabwe continues to grow we have a considerable number of new players coming on board. Over 70% of the small scale egg producers we have today depend on hens raised by others which they procure at point of lay. Whilst this avenue is…
Exploring Poor Growth Perf in Broilers - Image 1

Exploring Poor Growth Performance in Broilers

Mar 31, 2014
Philemon Buruzi There is always a time in the life of a broiler farmer when they come across a batch of birds that fails to perform to expectations. Most of the times when such a case comes up, the blame is put squarely on the shoulders of the hatchery which produced the chicks. It is quite often…

Factors leading to Early Broiler Chick Mortality

Feb 18, 2014
Philemon Buruzi The profitability of any broiler enterprise is hinged on the number , quality and weight of the birds that make it to slaughter stage. A good number of small scale poultry farmers in Zimbabwe are not very particular about the quality of the meat produced or the weight as it is usual…

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