Province: Midlands
For sale. Vaccinated. Priced at $10 per bird. Discounts for out of town purchases. Location Kwekwe City. Contact 0715411385, 0774219830
Available end of July 2024. Age 18weeks. Vaccinated. Priced at $10 per bird. Bookings in progress. Location Kwekwe City. Contact 0715411385
A piggery project with a Ten sow unit with one active male......Looking for an investor to boost the project. Contact me on 0785123021. Mvuma, Midlands.
I am looking for a partner or investor, I have 30h of land ( in excess of 15 hectares is arable) in Kwekwe and looking for someone with a passion for agriculture be it irrigation or animal husbandry. There was a borehole which now needs attention. If ther ...
We are selling a large commercial farm measuring1800 hectares in Mvuma. It has full title deeds and It is 28km from Mvuma and about 35km from Chivhu. It has a good grazing and arable land, suitable for Cattle ranching, Game farming, Poultry, Fish farming, ...
Merrywood Beef and Agro Feeds is looking for a farm coordinator for its operations at Merrywood farm in Lalapanzi. The Coordinator should have an agricultural qualification ideally in animal husbandry with managerial experince.
For all your animal proteins : Blood meal, Soyameal, fishmeal etc Get in touch we have the best rates in the country
Blood meal, Soyameal , fishmeal etc Get in touch we have the best rates in the country
The 42 hectares have been subdivided from the main farm .DeedS have not yet been processed. Water is there throughout the year from Vunku river. About 30 hectares of the area is suitable for farming. Documents and maps are available. LOCATION: 30 km from ...
For sale xm computer control box $150, full set egg turning motor $65, hygrostat $25, hygrothermometer with probes on 1.5metre code $15, Time relay delay switch $20, xm3001 temperature control swith $20, heating element $25, ZL7918A incubator computer con ...
The machine is stationed in Northlea, Gweru for viewing. A machine of this magnitude costs in excess of $20000 but I am asking for $8000 as I want to venture into another project. The machine is unused. Capacity: 22528 chicken eggs. 16128 duck eggs. 56576 ...
Available Now Road Runner Day old chicks. Distribution network countrywide. Pure Breeds. Black Australop, Blue Australop, Koekok, Rhode Island, Potchkoekoek, Sussex. Mixed Breeds Hatching Services Call Us on 0775 138121 / 0774 979546
Available Now Road Runner Day old chicks. Distribution network countrywide. Pure Breeds Black Australop, Blue Australop, Koekok, Rhode Island, Potchkoekoek, Sussex. Mixed Breeds Hatching Services Call Us on 0775 138 121 / 0774 979 546
Available Now Road Runner Day old chicks. Distribution network countrywide. Pure Breeds. Black Australop, Blue Australop, Koekok, Rhode Island, Potchkoekoek, Sussex. Mixed Breeds Hatching Services. Call Us on 0775 138121 / 0774 979546
Broiler chicks available today at Higrow Shamrock Gweru 2 day olds @$0.70c 10day olds@$1.15 23day olds@$1.80 Call / App +263 77 231 0726
60 ......6 wk old male quails for sale $1.50 or swap with females in Gweru. Call or text if interested @0775 163 967 or 0713 403 777
Quality Beef, Quality Chicken. Quality Eggs fresh from the farm. Talk to us we are in Gweru & Shurugwi @ 0738446588 Alternatively 00966 5656 10185
Quality Beef, Quality Chicken. Quality Eggs fresh from the farm. Talk to us we are in Gweru & Shurugwi @ 0738446588 Alternatively 00966 5656 10185
The Division of Veterinary Services falls under the Department of Livestock and Veterinary Services.