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Farms, Land, Rural Properties - For sale

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The farm is available at a special rent of $1000 in the first year of lease agreement subject to fair rental pricing in subsequent lease periods. The farm 35 hectares and has a darm, farm house, workers cottages ,shop, borehole, 100 hp water pump and some ...

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We are selling a large commercial farm measuring1800 hectares in Mvuma. It has full title deeds and It is 28km from Mvuma and about 35km from Chivhu. It has a good grazing and arable land, suitable for Cattle ranching, Game farming, Poultry, Fish farming, ...

0 reviews

The 42 hectares have been subdivided from the main farm .DeedS have not yet been processed. Water is there throughout the year from Vunku river. About 30 hectares of the area is suitable for farming. Documents and maps are available. LOCATION: 30 km from ...

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