Province: Harare
Enjoy these great discounts on our farming equipment as we celebrate Christmas. STOCKFEED MAKING MACHINE WAS $1450 NOW $1300 GRINDING MILL WAS $950 NOW $900 DEHULLER/CHISVUURISO WAS $950 NOW $900 WALKING TRACTOR. WAS $1800 NOW $1700 OIL PRESSING MACHINE. ...
Price - US$ 1800. Contact +263 78 901 2377.
Price US$5000. Contact +263 78 901 2377.
Priced at US$5500. Contact +263 78 901 2377
Priced at USD$1 per chick. We also offer options to keep to preferred ages to those who find it difficult to keep at brooding stage. Contact 0773 372 895 / 0715 547 441 / 0775 131 727
Broiler Chickens For Sale USD6.00 bulk discount available. Location Seke Rural 15km from Makoni Shops. Call or WhatsApp 0772939481 0732939481 0719939481 0777853230 0773599412
price US$1900 location - Willowvale Harare. Contact me on +263 78 901 2377
Contact us on +263 719 655969, +263 774 666261, +263 775 971535
Contact us on +263 719 655969, +263 774 666261, +263 775 971535
Live broilers wholesale min 20birds. 4 weeks $4 5weeks $4.10 6weeks $4.20 every Tuesday @Patagonia Chickens . Directions: Epworth go past Domboramwari high school.Drive past Stopover .At Muza bridge/shops drive 3kms to Mangwana shops there is asign ...
Contact me on +263 78 901 2377.
Roadrunner chickens ( black austraulop) for sale ready for the pot- (1.8kg plus dressed weight) or breeding cocks. Please contact 0771 126 697 / 0785 137 126 / 0773 026 828
New Zealand white pure breeds and cross breeds. Pure breeds $60 USD. Mixed breeds $10 $8 USD Domboshava. Call / App 0788095142
We are selling the black hybrid does and bucks at the price of $15 for 2. We are doing deliveries around Harare CBD....Hurry and get your rabbit? Get in touch with us on +263 772398151 (whatsapp) for quick response please do call us we are there to ...
2 stroke petrol. 52cc $350. 68cc $450. Fuel capacity 1,2l. Pull start. Comes with 1 bit. Call / App 0774389885. Hardware Centre, Cnr Albion and Takawira, 1st Floor, Suite f10, Harare.
We are selling the best rabbits, very healthy and weigh up to 4 to 5kgs each.... We have an Angora weaner available at $35….weaners aged 10weeks available at $12 each….Bucks aged 7 months and also 6months old Bucks are available at just $15 each.... Doers ...
Boom Sprayers, Boom Sprayer Pumps, Nozzles, PTO Shafts and many more for sale Contacts: 0772 686106, 0772 626999, 0242 665183
STOCKFEED MAKING MACHINE. Functions: multipurpose grinding of maize and small grains into mealie meal, grinding of macreche and cobs, fodder, stalks, grass, pods, etc. Power rating: 20hp Diesel engine. Contact 0774389885.
coal availabe washed peas.cobbles.nuts.coal round.coke .coal dust .coal rubbles