Province: Harare

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we have got you in mind all the time!!! ROAD RUNNER FEED COMING SOON Contacts: whatsapp or call on 0772 867140 sales 0772 444730. / 0773 598880 493 Goodwin Road, industry opposite. Eaglesvale High School

0 reviews

we have got you in mind all the time!!! ROAD RUNNER FEED COMING SOON Contacts: whatsapp or call on 0772 867140 sales 0772 444730. / 0773 598880 493 Goodwin Road, industry opposite. Eaglesvale High School

96 bird layer cage $340.00
0 reviews

we have got you in mind all the time!!! ROAD RUNNER FEED COMING SOON Contacts: whatsapp or call on 0772 867140 sales 0772 444730. / 0773 598880 493 Goodwin Road, industry opposite. Eaglesvale High School

48 bird layer cages $180.00 on special
0 reviews

we have got you in mind all the time!!! ROAD RUNNER FEED COMING SOON Contacts: whatsapp or call on 0772 867140 sales 0772 444730. / 0773 598880 493 Goodwin Road, industry opposite. Eaglesvale High School

0 reviews

we have got you in mind all the time!!! ROAD RUNNER FEED COMING SOON Contacts: whatsapp or call on 0772 867140 sales 0772 444730. / 0773 598880 493 Goodwin Road, industry opposite. Eaglesvale High School

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Average weight 1.6 to 2 kgs; Price range: $5 to $6 per bird; Cash or deposit or 1 week payment; Quantities from 1 to 200 birds. Call / App +263 77 242 6857

Category Poultry
Very big broilers for sale. Average weight above 3kg - Harare
0 reviews

Live weight above 3kg, $6 each. Call / App 0779551777 Sunningdale, Harare

Category Poultry
Broilers for sale. Average weight 2.5kg
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300 broilers,  Average weight 2,5kg,  Price: $5, Marlborough. Voice Calls only +263 77 309 3499,  WhatsApp only +263 71 758 1479

Category Poultry
0 reviews

Crankshaft Grinding, Crankshaft Rebuilding, Resleeving, Cylinder Head Reconditioning, Surface Grinding (Skimming), Fusion Welding (Cracked Heads), Grinding Toyota 3L & 5L - $35 Tel: 0772 100003, 0735 419819, 086 440 99780 Address: 44 Plymouth Road, So ...

0 reviews

BREEDS: Giant Chinchilla, English White, Flemish Giant, Newsland Black, Newsland White, Angorian Call / App 0772 416742  

Category Rabbits
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Vivi's Veges: For sale 100-200 Bundles Rape Hobson 1000 Head Cabbage INFO: +263 735 401162; +263 716 367174; +263 774 236 175

Category Horticulture
Seedling trays for sale
0 reviews

288 cells per tray Price: $2.20 per tray I have over a thousand of them. Call / App +263 73 380 8811

Category Seeedling Trays
0 reviews

Eiaddn k7500 or d7500 main bearings 040 or d400 u cn use either vp 742mains and 743ma bigs or 744 or 745 washers Call / App +263 77 229 6822

0 reviews

Selling in Waterfalls, Harare 400 x day old koekoeks, rhode island white, boschvelds, blue leghorn @$1.00 200 x 6 day olds- boschvelds @ $1.20 300 x 2 week olds-boschvelds, koekoeks, black star, rhode island white @ $1.50 4+ week olds-black star, rhode is ...

Category Poultry
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Prices negotiable if you are interested Please  get in touch on the following numbers 0772260876 or 0774429555 or 0772286696

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67 x 4 weeks roadrunner chicks; 40 x 2 wks roadrunner chicks; 55 x 10days roadrunners chicks; 44x 6days roadrunners chicks  Call or app 0779600730

Category Poultry
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6 crates x fertilized roadrunner eggs If interested plz call or app 0779600730

Category Poultry
0 reviews

Quail chicks at different stages plus quail meat

Category Poultry
0 reviews

20 holes quail packaging trays;  30 holes quail packaging trays.  Call or app 0779600730

Category Poultry
0 reviews

Average weight is about 1.8kg to 2kg Price $6 per bird Hillside, Harare Call / App 0772 289744

Category Poultry

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