Province: Mashonaland East
Bulk Potatoes for sale we are located 10km from Macheke police in village 1 BP1 first grade Large, Medium and Small Contact 0773400658 0772400628
Farmers here are good guard dogs for your properties for sale Boerboel breed One year old Price $300 Contact me on 0778405400
Price: $1 for 20 heads Available: 10000 heads Call / App +263 77 297 1099
2 tonnes available Price: $16 a bucket Price negotiable depending with the quantity required. Contact me on 0776830738
SLW single-stage horizontal centrifugal pump 37kw wt speed 2950r/min capacity 100m3/h and electric control cabinet. The pump is on trailer. Call / App +263 77 310 2281. Jena Dudley Farm P.O. Box 612 Marondera.
Chingofa and Jermain 2. Sweet potato seedlings and vines. Call / App +263 77 310 2281. Jena Dudley Farm P.O. Box 612 Marondera.
Quality rape veges for sale in Beatrice. Call or app 0773388991
Quality rape veges for sale in Beatrice. Call or app 0773388991
Pigs- large white and landrace 6months old ready to breed gilts & boars for sale $180 each available in Beatrice area.0772785931