Selling Blood meal at $35-$40 per 50kg depending on order size..please contact 0773576350
Charcoal made from wattle @ 75c per kg. Wattle fire wood price can be discussed. Can be delivered red anywhere in Zimbabwe for a small fee.
I have rabbit bucks for sale. 4 weeks $5 6 weeks $7 8 weeks $9 10 weeks $11 12 weeks $13 I can also do dressed rabbits on request. Can be delivered to Harare or Mutare.
Looking for the following aluminium irrigation pipes 20 x 3"x6mt pipes 20 x 3"x6mt pipes with risers.
Packaging for your fruits and vegetables namely onions, butternuts, potatoes, cuccumbers, beetroot, oranges, just to name a few. Sizes are 10kg, 7kg,5kg, 3kg. Colors are red, green, black, orange. Contact +263 735 333 767.
App/call 0776560366
Irrigation pipes..3 inch..$350 transfer per pair..app/call 0776560366..location:chinhoyi
App/call 0776560366
In mint condition. App/call 0776560366
App/call 0776560366
Home made rabbit cages from $170.... Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.
Priced at $12 each. Contact us on 0772 120786, 0782 228263, 0715 230326.
Chicken layer battery cages for 48 birds, 96 birds.... Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.
Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.
Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051
Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051
Chicken gas brooders. Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.