City: Harare
Buying bare maize cobs or zvimuguri zvechibage zvisina chibage at $0.30 per 50kg bag. Please get in touch if you have any you are selling or know someone who has these, thanks. 0771009350
Priced us$4800. Location Harare. Contact 078 901 2377
We supply different varieties of sweet potato.
Day Old Chicks (Sexed). Delivery fee USD$3 to Harare CBD.
Day Old Chicks (Unsexed). Delivery fee USD$3 to Harare CBD.
Day Old Chicks (Unsexed). Delivery fee USD$3 to Harare CBD.
Day Old Chicks (Sexed). Delivery fee USD$3 to Harare CBD.
Day Old Chicks (Sexed). Delivery fee USD$3 to Harare CBD.
Day Old Chicks (Unsexed). Delivery fee USD$3 to Harare CBD.
**Available Chicks For Sale* UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE *Breed* BLACK AUSTRALORP *Prices* 2 Weeks old...$1.501 Week old....$1,25Day old...$1,003 Weeks old...$1.754 Weeks old...$2,008 Weeks old...$3.0010 Weeks old.$4.00 Location: GLENDALE DELIVERY FOR ORDE ...