City: harare
Looking for maize bran (macresh) in bulk, 30 tonnes and above would be good. I need a constant supply whether it is treatedd or not. Please get in touch, thank you. 0717383661
looking for butchery rental space with or without equipment in Harare or surrounding areas. High density areas are prefferd as well as places for braaing
Looking for agricultural plot to do piggery /poultry preferably with sties water. cell whatsapp telegram 0772927483
Boer Goats for Sale. Located in Nyabira. Start your project with focus and direction. This is an excellent breed.
Roadrunner starter. Roadrunner growers. Roadrunner finisher. Broiler starter. Broiler growers. Broiler finisher. Layers mash. Pig growers. Rabbit feed. All at $25 per 50kgs bag. Call/App 0783310946, 0782418691, 0737680462 Harare
Selling Blood meal at $35-$40 per 50kg depending on order size..please contact 0773576350
Looking for the following aluminium irrigation pipes 20 x 3"x6mt pipes 20 x 3"x6mt pipes with risers.
Home made rabbit cages from $170.... Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.
Chicken layer battery cages for 48 birds, 96 birds.... Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.
Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.
Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051
Chicken gas brooders. Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.
Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.
Broiler cage carries 150 day olds up to 3 weeks and 60 birds fully grown. Broiler cage nipple line system on it and pup trays available on them. Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.
Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051
Plucking machines with capacity of 6 to 7 birds per minute. Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.
Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.
Massive Discounts June Promotion: DRINKERS 3 litres - $1.70; 6 litres - $2.80; 10 litres - $4.50; 12 litres - $4.80; Bell Drinkers - $10; FEEDERS 3kg - $1.70; 6kg - $3.00; 10kg - $4.20. Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.
Contact us on 0773888928, 0776545704, 0775522051.