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Directory: Recently Updated Listings
Massey Ferguson 290 Tractor New! Popular
It's a 2 wheel drive. Priced us$8500. Location Harare. Contact 078 901 2377.
Buying bare maize cobs or zvimuguri zvechibage zvisina chibage at $0.30 per 50kg bag. Please get in touch if you have any you are selling or know someone who has these, thanks. 0771009350
Certificate in Agriculture; Diploma in Agriculture; Farmer Training (one day to four months) tailor made to suit you.
Diploma in Agriculture
Certificate in Agriculture; National Diploma in Agriculture.
Diploma in Agriculture; Conventional Diploma in Agriculture; Farmer Training and Outreach Programmes
Certificate in Agriculture; Diploma in Agriculture.
Certificate in Agriculture; Diploma in Agriculture; Higher National Diploma in Animal Production
Fish fingerlings, seed and seeds for sale. Cell: +263 24 2705270, +263 779 812900, +263 77 884 0934, 48 Gelcon Ave, Harare.
Cell +263 24 2705270, +263 779 812900, +263 77 884 0934, 48 Gelcon Ave, Harare.
Fish Farming Training, Project Management, Pond Construction, Fish Seed and Feed. +263 24 2705270, +263 779 812900, +263 77 884 0934, 48 Gelcon Ave, Harare.
The projects to be undertaken will be concluded in relation to the strengths of the person. The farm has everything except qualified human resources. Before we suspended operations we were mainly doing tomatoes. We generally have an interest in horticultu ...
Centre Pivot (OTECH) New! Popular
4 span irrigation Centre Pivot. Location Harare. Priced us$28000. Contact 078 901 2377.
20 weeks point of lay Hyline chickens New! Popular
For sale. Vaccinated. Priced at $10 per bird. Discounts for out of town purchases. Location Kwekwe City. Contact 0715411385, 0774219830
Bat Guano Organic Fertilizer New! Popular
Has Nitrogen 7%, Phosphorous 21% and Potasium 1%.
It also has Zinc, Calcium, Manganese, Magnesium and Copper. We are currently measuring those.
Suitable for maize, horticultural crops and Tobacco.
It doesn’t need to be treated and it comes raw.
Pric ...
The Pig Industry Board of Zimbabwe (PIB) is a parastatal under the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development. It derives its mandate to develop the pig industry from the Pig Industry Act (Chapter 18:15). The core functions of PIB a ...
The Pig Industry Board of Zimbabwe (PIB) is a parastatal under the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development. It derives its mandate to develop the pig industry from the Pig Industry Act (Chapter 18:15). The core functions of PIB a ...
For sale are 12 crates of fertile bosch eggs @ $7.00 Able to supply 2 crates per day. Call/whatsapp 0773 486 585.
Roadrunner chickens ( black austraulop) for sale ready for the pot- (1.8kg plus dressed weight) or breeding cocks. Please contact 0771 126 697 / 0785 137 126 / 0773 026 828