Thank you Blessing for posting to the Zimbabwe Agriculture Forum.
Your post is the very first forum entry. For that we thank you very much and we welcome you to the Community.
At the same time, we want to convey our apologies to you for the delays in publishing your post. We are working to fine-tuning our internal alert systems.
Please send your cv to and include on the email the following details:-
a) a brief outline of your current studies
b) preferred practise areas,
c) preferred locations,
d) any special requirements; and
e) any other relevant detail.
Once we have received the above, we will post on the Agriculture Jobs section of this platform and our other social platforms and provide details to potential employers.
We do not, however, guarantee placements. This is not to discourage you. Please send us your cv and we will update you once we get responses on our side.
Thank you.