Anonymous User
  Sunday, 11 November 2018
  1 Replies
  1.8K Visits
I am a new farmer in the Mvuma region if Midlands. I am seeking objective contributions and advise on best projects to undertake for best return on investment.

My size of plot is 36HA. Fully fenced for now. We have been producing maize mostly for consumption and chicken feed.

Our immediate plans is to venture into small livestock, e.g. ducks , indegenous chickens, fish production and also fruit trees.
The immediate challenge is water availability.

We are Seeking insights into the above projects viability and possible Project planning over a period on 5 years.
Any Lessons learnt from experienced farmers.
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6 years ago
From your brief introduction and requirements, we recommend that you get the services of a professional adviser or consultant who will be able to assist you in this regard.
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